Main Activities of the Molecule Archive
The Molecule Archive offers the necessary infrastructure and services for the central registration, storage and provision of chemical substances from academic research projects. Our services comprise four main areas: The archiving of chemical substances, the chemical analysis of compounds and use of (analytical) devices, and the sharing of compounds with other scientists for (biochemical) screenings and the development of functional materials.
The library of the Molecule Archive consists of a diverse spectrum of compounds from different research areas in chemistry. The library contains e.g. small to medium sized organic molecules, metal complexes, natural products and bioactive plant extracts.
As part of the compound registration process, we use different analytical techniques to assess the identity and quality of the submitted substances. Reports on the analyses can be requested.
Screening partners of the Molecule Archive have access to a highly diverse and unique collection of academic research chemicals. The compounds are prepared and formatted to meet the requirements of our screening partners.
Currently, the activities of the Molecule Archive are being extended towards applications in Materials Sciences. Key methods are e.g. computer-based methods to estimate the suitability of the provided substances for possible applications in materials sciences.
Each substance sent to the Molecule Archive passes through a standardized workflow, which serves to prepare the compound for subsequent testing and to make the structure easily retrievable in our database. The entire workflow is legally covered by our material transfer agreement, as a foundation for productive and fair scientific exchange and collaboration. Our staff will be happy to support you with the management of your scientific challenge.
Support in legal and formal aspects
After the arrival of the compounds, the structural data is imported into our database and will be linked to all experimental results received.
After an initial quality check, we perform additional analyses and predictions to determine relevant compound properties.
Each compound is stored both, as pure substance and stock solution in DMSO. The latter is directly available for biological activity screenings.
Upon request, we provide the substances of interest in a format, convenient for diverse applications/setups.
Substances are sent to our partner institutions for testing. In case of promising results, we establish the contact to the scientists involved.
Scientific Support
Leave us a message!
Or choose one of these ways to contact us:
+49 721 608 23087
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute of Biological and Chemical Systems (IBCS)
Compound Platform (ComPlat)
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
Building 319, room 405-443
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen